Tuesday, July 10, 2012



One of the greatest threats to our health is stress. It is a critical factor in almost all diseases of aging, especially heart disease and cancer.

The key to successful stress management is and how one responds to a stressful event.

Last Saturday, my wife called me and said she was in a minor accident and needed me.

When I arrived at the scene, I discovered it was only a fender bender and there were no injuries. My wife was in her car with the air-conditioning on.

I could tell she was extremely upset and filled with stress.

After I got her to relax, I asked what she was stressed about.

It wasn't the accident, it was over the perception that our insurance rates would increase and she would get points or even lose her driving license.

But that wasn't all. My wife was stressed over the way she was treated by a 17-year-old female high school student, who continually berated her with negative words including the F bomb.

I share this story to drive home an important message. We can't escape stressful events, but we can control how we respond.

The main reason people respond poorly is they let their emotional right brain override their logical left brain. The emotion that affects stress the most is fear and fear is all about your perception.

In most cases that perception never turns into reality.

This was a great learning experience for my wife as she now understands how to take control of stressful situations without having them taking control of you.

How about you? Do you find it hard to respond in a relaxed and confident manner when confronted with stressful events or toxic people?

Share with me your thoughts on this story and how it relates to you.